Database Management System
Multiple Choice Questions with Answers:-
1.) Where is metadata stored in
Options are:
A.) In the MySQL database meta
B.) In the MySQL database metasql
C.) In the MySQL database metadata
D.) In the MySQL database mysql
Answer: D
3.) What MySQL property is used to
create a surrogate key in MySQL?
Options are:
Answer: C
4.) A relational database consists
of a collection of
Options are:
A.) Keys
B.) Records
C.) Tables
D.) Fields
Answer: C
5.) A Database Management System
(DBMS) is:
Options are:
A.) Collection of data describing
one particular enterprise
B.) Collection of programs to access
C.) All Options are correct
D.) Collection of interrelated data
Answer: C
6.) Which of the following is not a
level of data abstraction?
Options are:
A.) View Level
B.) Physical Level
C.) Logical Level
D.) Critical Level
Answer: D
7.) Disadvantages of File systems to
store data is:
Options are:
A.) Data isolation
B.) Data redundancy and
C.) Difficulty in accessing data
D.) All options are correct
Answer: D
8.) In an Entity Relationship
Diagram Rectangles represents
Options are:
A.) Tables
B.) Attributes
C.) Database
D.) Entity Sets
Answer: D
9.) Which of the following is not a
Storage Manager Component?
Options are:
A.) Transaction Manager
B.) Logical Manager
C.) File Manager
D.) Buffer Manager
Answer: B
10.) Data Manipulation Language
enables users to
Options are:
A.) Retrieval of information stored
in database
B.) Insertion of new information
into the database
C.) Deletion of information from the
D.) All the options are correct
Answer: D
11.) Which of the following is not
an Schema?
Options are:
A.) Logical Schema
B.) Physical Schema
C.) Database Schema
D.) Critical Schema
Answer: D
12.) Which of the following is
Database Language?
Options are:
A.) Data Definition Language
B.) Data Manipulation Language
C.) Data Query Language
D.) All of the options
Answer: D
13.) Which of the following in not a
function of DBA?
Options are:
A.) Network Maintenance
B.) Schema Definition
C.) Authorization for data access
D.) Routine Maintenance
Answer: A
14.) Which of the following is a
Data Model?
Options are:
A.) Entity Relationship Model
B.) Object Based Data Model
C.) All of the options are correct
D.) Relational Data Model
Answer: C
15.) A Database Management System
(DBMS) is
Options are:
A.) Collection of interrelated data
B.) Collection of data describing
one particular enterprise
C.) All of the options
D.) Collection of programs to access
Answer: C
16.) Which of the following is not a
level of data abstraction?
Options are:
A.) Physical Level
B.) View Level
C.) Critical Level
D.) Logical Level
Answer: C
17.) Disadvantages of File systems
to store data is:
Options are:
A.) Data redundancy and
B.) Data isolation
C.) All of the options
D.) Difficulty in accessing data
Answer: C
18.) Which of the following is not a
Storage Manager Component?
Options are:
A.) Transaction Manager
B.) Buffer Manager
C.) File Manager
D.) Logical Manager
Answer: D
19.) Data Manipulation Language
enables users to
Options are:
A.) Retrieval of information stored
in database
B.) Deletion of information from the
C.) All of the above
D.) Insertion of new information
into the database
Answer: C
20.) Which of the following is not
an Schema?
Options are:
A.) Logical Schema
B.) Critical Schema
C.) Database Schema
D.) Physical Schema
Answer: B
21.) Which of the following is
Database Language?
Options are:
A.) All of the options
B.) Query Language
C.) Data Definition Language
D.) Data Manipulation Language
Answer: A
22.) Which of the following in not a
function of DBA?
Options are:
A.) Authorization for data access
B.) Network Maintenance
C.) Routine Maintenance
D.) Schema Definition
Answer: B
23.) Which of the following is a
Data Model?
Options are:
A.) Object-Based data model
B.) All of the options
C.) Entity-Relationship model
D.) Relational data model
Answer: B
24.) Column header is refer as
Options are:
A.) Table
B.) Domain
C.) Attributes
D.) Relation
Answer: C
25.) _______ allow us to identify
uniquely a tuple in the relation.
Options are:
A.) Schema
B.) Superkey
C.) Domain
D.) Attribute
Answer: B
26.) Minimal Superkeys are called
Options are:
A.) Schema keys
B.) Attribute keys
C.) Candidate keys
D.) Domain keys
Answer: C
27.) Which of the following is not
Modification of the Database
Options are:
A.) Updating
B.) Sorting
C.) Deletion
D.) Insertion
Answer: B
28.) Which of the following in not
Outer join?
Options are:
A.) Left outer join
B.) Full outer join
C.) All of the options
D.) Right outer join
Answer: C
29.) Set of premitted values of each
attribute is called
Options are:
A.) Tuple
B.) Schema
C.) Domain
D.) Relation
Answer: C
30.) Which of the following is true
regarding Null Value?
Options are:
A.) Null<0
B.) Null=0
C.) Null<>0
D.) Null>0
Answer: C
31.) Logical design of database is
Options are:
A.) All of the options
B.) Database Schema
C.) Database Instance
D.) Database Snapshot
Answer: B
32.) Snapshot of the data in the
database at a given instant of time is called
Options are:
A.) Database Instance
B.) All of the options
C.) Database Schema
D.) Database Snapshot
Answer: A
33.) Which of the following is not
Unary operation?
Options are:
A.) Rename
B.) Union
C.) Select
D.) Project
Answer: B
34.) Which of the following is not
binary operation?
Options are:
A.) Union
B.) Set Difference
C.) Cartesian Product
D.) Project
Answer: D
35.) Which of the following is
correct regarding Aggregate functions?
Options are:
A.) It takes a single value and
returns a single value as result
B.) It takes a list of values and
return a single values as result
C.) It takes a list of values and
return a list of values as result
D.) It takes a single value and
returns a list of values as result
Answer: B
36.) The Primary key must be
Options are:
A.) Non Null
B.) Unique
C.) Option A or B
D.) Option A and B
Answer: D
37.) A command to remove a relation
from an SQL database
Options are:
A.) Delete table
B.) Erase table
C.) Alter table
D.) Drop table
Answer: D
38.) which of the following is not
an Aggregate function?
Options are:
A.) Select
B.) Avg
C.) Min
D.) Max
Answer: A
39.) The attribute that can be
divided into other attributes is called
Options are:
A.) Composite Attribute
B.) Derived Attribute
C.) Simple Attribute
D.) Multi-valued Attribute
Answer: A
40.) What is ACID properties of
Options are:
A.) Atomicity, Consistency,
Isolation, Database
B.) Automatically, Concurrency,
Isolation, Durability
C.) Atomicity, Consistency,
Isolation, Durability
D.) Atomicity, Consistency,
Inconsistent, Durability
Answer: C
41.) If every non-key attribute is
functionally dependent on the primary key, the relation will be in
Options are:
A.) Fourth Formal Form
B.) Third Normal Form
C.) First Normal Form
D.) Second Normal Form
Answer: B
42.) Database locking concept is
used to solve the problem of
Options are:
A.) Inconsistent Data
B.) All of the options
C.) Lost Update
D.) Uncommitted Dependency
Answer: B
43.) UML is stands for
Options are:
A.) Universal Modeling Language
B.) United Modeling Language
C.) Uni Modeling Language
D.) Unified Modeling Language
Answer: D
44.) Data Manipulation Language
(DML) is not to
Options are:
A.) Insertion of new information
into the Database
B.) Modification of information in
the Database
C.) Create information table in the
D.) Deletion of information in the
Answer: C
45.) Which of the following in true
regarding Referential Integrity?
Options are:
A.) Every primary-key value must
match a primary-key value in an associated table
B.) Every primary-key value must
match a foreign-key value in an associated table
C.) Every foreign-key value must
match a foreign-key value in an associated table
D.) Every foreign-key value must
match a primary-key value in an associated table
Answer: D
46.) Which of the following option
is use to retrieval of data?
Options are:
A.) Stack
B.) Data Structure
C.) Linked list
D.) Query
Answer: D
47.) ODBC stands for ______
Options are:
A.) None of above
B.) Open database connection
C.) Offline database connection
D.) Oriented database connection
Answer: B
48.) Which of the following is an
unary operation?
Options are:
A.) Selection operation
B.) Primitive operation
C.) Projection operation
D.) Generalized selection
Answer: D
49.) Which SQL Query is use to
remove a table and all its data from the database?
Options are:
A.) None of these
B.) Drop Table
C.) Create Table
D.) Alter Table
Answer: B
50.) In precedence of set operators
the expression is evaluated from:
Options are:
A.) Left to Right
B.) Right to Left
C.) Left to Left
D.) Right to Right
Answer: A
51.) In DBMS, FD stands for _______
Options are:
A.) Facilitate data
B.) Functional data
C.) Facilitate dependency
D.) Functional dependency
Answer: D
52.) How many types of keys in
Database Design?
Options are:
A.) Foreign key
B.) All of the options
C.) Candidate key
D.) Primary key
Answer: B
53.) Which of the following is based
on Multi Valued Dependency?
Options are:
A.) Third
B.) Fourth
C.) First
D.) Second
Answer: B
54.) Which of the following is the
structure of the Database?
Options are:
A.) Table
B.) None of these
C.) Schema
D.) Relation
Answer: C
55.) The minimal set of super key is
Options are:
A.) Primary key
B.) Secondary key
C.) Foreign key
D.) Candidate key
Answer: D
56.) ______________ is a classical
approach to database design?
Options are:
A.) Bottom – Up approach
B.) Top – Down approach
C.) Left – Right approach
D.) Right – Left approach
Answer: B
57.) _____________ refers to the
correctness and completeness of the data in a database?
Options are:
A.) Data independence
B.) Data integrity
C.) Data security
D.) Data constraint
Answer: B
58.) A table that displays data
redundancies yields ____________ anomalies
Options are:
A.) Insertion
B.) Deletion
C.) Update
D.) All of the options
Answer: D
59.) A lock that allows concurrent
transactions to access different rows of the same table is known as a
Options are:
A.) Row-level lock
B.) Database-level lock
C.) Field-level lock
D.) Table-level lock
Answer: C
60.) A type of query that is placed
within a WHERE or HAVING clause of another query is called
Options are:
A.) Multi-query
B.) Sub query
C.) Super query
D.) Master query
Answer: B
61.) Which of the following hardware
component is the most important to the operation of database
management system?
Options are:
A.) High resolution video display
B.) Printer
C.) Plotter
D.) High speed, large capacity disk
Answer: D
62.) A form defined
Options are:
A.) None of the options
B.) Where data is placed on the
C.) The width of each field
D.) Both where data is placed on the
screen and the width of each field
Answer: B
63.) If a piece of data is stored in
two places in the database, then
Options are:
A.) In can be more easily accessed
B.) Both Storage space is wasted and
Changing the data in one spot will cause data inconsistency
C.) Storage space is wasted
D.) Changing the data in one spot
will cause data inconsistency
Answer: B
64.) Which of the following is a
problem of file management system?
Options are:
A.) Data redundancy and program
B.) All of the options
C.) Difficult to update
D.) Lack of data independence
Answer: B
65.) Which of the following is not
an advantage of the database approach
Options are:
A.) Elimination of data redundancy
B.) Ability of associate deleted
C.) Increased security and
program/data independence
D.) all of the above
Answer: D
66.) An audit trail
Options are:
A.) None of the options
B.) Is the recorded history of
operations performed on a file
C.) Is used to make backup copies
D.) Can be used to restore lost
Answer: B
67.) One approach to standardization
storing of data?
Options are:
A.) CODASYL specification
B.) None of the options
D.) Structured programming
Answer: A
68.) Which of the following contains
a complete record of all activity that affected the contents of a
database during a certain period of
Options are:
A.) Transaction log
B.) Data manipulation language
C.) Report writer
D.) Query language
Answer: A
69.) Report generators are used to
Options are:
A.) Store data input by a user
B.) Answer queries
C.) Both Retrieve information from
files and Answer queries
D.) Retrieve information from files
Answer: C
70.) Which of the following is true
of a network structure?
Options are:
A.) It will be dominant data base of
the future
B.) It allows a many-to-many
C.) It is a physical representation
of the data
D.) It is conceptually simple
Answer: B
71.) A record management system
Options are:
A.) Can handle many files of
information at a time
B.) Always uses a list as its model
C.) Both can handle many files of
information at a time and always uses a list as its model
D.) Can be used to extract
information stored in a computer file
Answer: D
72.) One data dictionery software
package is called
Options are:
A.) DB/DC dictionary
B.) Datapac
Answer: A
73.) The function of a database is
Options are:
A.) To check all input data
B.) To output data
C.) To collect and organize input
D.) To check all spelling
Answer: C
74.) A command that lets you change
one or more fields in a record is
Options are:
A.) None of the options
B.) Modify
C.) Insert
D.) Lookup
Answer: B
75.) What is the language used by
most of the DBMSs for helping their users to access data?
Options are:
A.) High level language
B.) 4GL
C.) Query Language
Answer: C
76.) Information can be transferred
between the DBMS and a
Options are:
A.) Spreadsheet program
B.) Word processor program
C.) Graphics program
D.) All of the options
Answer: D
77.) The relational database
environment has all of the following components except
Options are:
A.) Users
B.) Database
C.) Query languages
D.) Separate files
Answer: D
78.) The ascending order of a data
hirerchy is:
Options are:
Answer: B
79.) Primitive operations common to
all record management system include
Options are:
A.) Look-up
B.) All of the options
C.) Print
D.) Sort
Answer: A
80.) Generalized database management
system do not retrieve data to meet routine request
Options are:
A.) False
B.) True
Answer: A
81.) Which of the following is not a
relational database?
Options are:
A.) dBase IV
B.) FoxPro
C.) Reflex
D.) 4th Dimension
Answer: C
82.) A top-to-bottom relationship
among the items in a database is established by a
Options are:
A.) Hierarchical schema
B.) All of the options
C.) Network schema
D.) Relational schema
Answer: A
83.) In order to use a record
management system
Options are:
A.) You need to understand the model
the record management system uses
B.) None of the options
C.) You need to understand the low
level details of how information is stored
D.) Both you need to understand the
model the record management system uses and you need to understand
the low level details of how
information is stored
Answer: A
84.) Choose the RDBMS which supports
full fledged client server application development
Options are:
A.) dBase V
B.) Ingress
C.) Oracle 7.1
D.) FoxPro 2.1
Answer: C
85.) Sort/Report generators
Options are:
A.) Are faster than index/report
B.) Do not need to sort before
generating report
C.) Both require more disk space
than indexed/report generators and are faster than index/report
D.) Require more disk space than
indexed/report generators
Answer: D
86.) The highest level in the hierarchy of data organization
is called
Options are:
A.) Data base
B.) Data record
C.) Data bank
D.) Data file
Answer: A
87.) Which of the following fields
in a student file can be used as a primary key?
Options are:
A.) Class
C.) Major
Answer: D
88.) The management information
system (MIS) structure with one main computer system is called a
Options are:
A.) Decentralized MIS structure
B.) Centralized MIS structure
C.) Hierarchical MIS structure
D.) Distributed MIS structure
Answer: B
89.) In the DBMS approach,
application programs perform the
Options are:
A.) Storage function
B.) Access control
C.) All of the options
D.) Processing functions
Answer: D
90.) Which of the following is not
true of the traditional approach to information processing
Options are:
A.) It is file oriented
B.) It is inflexible
C.) There is common sharing of data
among the various applications
D.) Programs are dependent on the
Answer: C
91.) Batch processing is appropriate
Options are:
A.) Only a few transactions are
B.) None of the options
C.) Large computer system is
D.) Only a small computer system is
Answer: B
92.) Large collection of files are
Options are:
A.) Sectors
B.) Database
C.) Fields
D.) Records
Answer: B
93.) A transparent DBMS
Options are:
A.) Both can not hide sensitive
information from users and keeps its logical structure hidden from users
B.) Keeps its physical structure
hidden from users
C.) Can not hide sensitive
information from users
D.) Keeps its logical structure
hidden from users
Answer: B
94.) A file produced by a
Options are:
A.) None of the options
B.) Is generally stored on disk in
an ASCII text fromat
C.) Can be used as is by the DBMS
D.) Both is generally stored on disk
in an ASCII text fromat and can be used as is by the DBMS
Answer: B
95.) The model for a record
management system might be
Options are:
A.) All of the options
B.) A business form
C.) Handwritten list
D.) A Rolodex card file
Answer: A
96.) Database management systems are
intended to
Options are:
A.) Eliminate data redundancy
B.) Establish relationship among
records in different files
C.) Manage file access and maintain
data integrity
D.) All of the options
Answer: D
97.) The language used application
programs to request data from the DBMS is referred to as the
Options are:
B.) All of the options
D.) query language
Answer: C
98.) A set of programs that handle a
firm's database responsibilities is called
Options are:
A.) Database management system
B.) Data management system (DMS)
C.) All of the options
D.) Database processing system
Answer: C
99.) In a large DBMS
Options are:
A.) Each subschema contains every
field in the logical schema
B.) Each user can access every
C.) None of the options
D.) Each user can "see"
only a small part of the entire database
Answer: D
100.) In a large DBMS
Options are:
A.) None of the options
B.) Each user can "see"
only a small part of the entire database
C.) Each subschema contains every
field in the logical schema
D.) Each user can access every
Answer: B