Study C MCQ Questions and Answers on Arrays, Multidimensional
Arrays and Pointers. Easily attend technical interviews after reading these
Multiple Choice Questions.
Go through C Theory Notes on
Arrays before studying questions.
1) What is the dimension of the C array int ary[10][5].?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 5
D) 10
Answer [=]
See the number of [ ] square bracket pairs.
Here there are 2 ary[10][5]. So the dimension is TWO 2.
2) What is the dimension of the below C Array.?
int ary[]={1,3,5,7};
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 5
Answer [=]
It is a Single Dimension Array. Only [] one
pair of square brackets is present.
3) Choose a correct statement with array pointers.
A) It is valid to add an integer number to
an array pointer. Result can be anything.
B) It is valid to subtract an integer number
from array pointer. Result can be anything.
C) Difference of pointers to two elements of
an array gives the difference between their indexes.
D) All the above
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4) Choose correct statement about C array pointers.
A) You can compare two array elements with
*p == *(p+i)
B) You can compare two pointers with p1==p2.
C) Accessing out of bounds index element is
valid and it returns a garbage value.
D) All the above.
Answer [=]
5) What is the output of C Program with arrays.?
int main()
int ary[] = {1, 3, 5};
%d", ary[-1], ary[4]);
return 0;
A) 1 5
B) 0 0
C) Compiler error
D) None of the above
Answer [=]
You are accessing -1 index and 4 index which
is outside the limit 0 to 2. You get only garbage values.
6) What is the output of C Program with arrays.?
int main()
static int ary[] = {1,
3, 5};
%d", ary[-1], ary[5]);
return 0;
A) 0 0
B) -1 -1
C) Compiler error
D) None of the above
Answer [=]
0 0 is the answer. Storage Class
static makes all uninitialized variables to hold default ZERO values.
7) What is the output of C Program with arrays and pointers.?
int main()
int ary[] = {11, 33,
int *p, *q;
p = ary;
q = ary+2;
printf("%d %d",*p, *q);
return 0;
A) 11 55
B) 11 13
C) 11 33
D) Compiler error
Answer [=]
Incrementing a pointer points to the address
of next element. ary points to first element. ary +1 points to second element.
ary+2 points to the third element.
8) Difference between C Arrays, ary[10] and cry[10][10] is.?
A) ary[10] is a single dimensional array.
cry[10][10] is a Multidimensional array.
B) ary[10] is a multidimensional array.
cry[10][10] is a single dimensional array.
C) Size of ary[10] is sizeof(10* int). Size
of cry[10][10] is sizeof(10*int).
D) None of the above.
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One square bracket = Single Dimension or One
9) Array of Arrays is also called.?
A) Multi Data Array
B) Multi Size Array
C) Multi Dimensional Array
D) Multi Byte Array
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10) What is the output of C program with multidimensional array.?
int main()
int ary[3][2] =
%d", ary[0][0], ary[2][1]);
return 0;
A) 2 5
B) 1 6
C) 1 5
D) 2 6
Answer [=]
[3] represents 3 rows. [2] represents 2
columns. So each row contains two elements. Index of row and column start with
ZERO 0. So ary[2][1] represents 3rd row, 2nd element.
11) What is the output of C program with multidimensional arrays.?
int main()
int ary[3][] = {6,5,4,3,2,1};
%d", ary[0][0], ary[2][1]);
return 0;
A) 6 1
B) 6 2
C) 5 1
D) Compiler error
Answer [=]
ary[3][] has missing column count. Column
count is a must for any multidimensional array.
12) What is the output of C program with multidimensional arrays.?
int main()
int ary[][3] =
%d", ary[0][0], ary[1][0]);
return 0;
A) 6 2
B) 6 3
C) 6 1
D) Compiler error
Answer [=]
ary[][3] divides all 6 elements into two
rows each containing 3 elements. 6/col = 6/3 = 2 rows. {{6,5,4}, {3,2,1}}
13) Choose an alternative definition of C Multidimensional array.?
int ary[][3] = {6,5,4,3,2,1};
A) int ary[2][3] = {6,5,4,3,2,1};
B) int ary[2][3] = {{6,5,4},{3,2,1}};
C) int ary[][3] = {{6,5,4},{3,2,1}};
D) All the above.
Answer [=]
14) What is the output of C Program with arrays.?
int main()
int ary[][2][3] = {
%d", ary[0][0][0], ary[1][1][1]);
return 0;
A) 1 12
B) 1 11
C) 7 12
D) 1 6
Answer [=]
a[][2][3] has missing first dimension. It is
valid to ignore first dimensional value if you want. 1st dimension = 12/(2*3) =
12/6 = 2.
15) Choose a correct statement about a C Multidimensional array.
A) First Dimension size is optional when
initializing the array at the same time.
B) Last Dimension size is optional when
initializing the array at the same time.
C) It is a must to specify all dimensions of
a multidimensional array.
D) Memory locations of elements of a
multidimensional array is not sequential.
Answer [=]
int ary[] = {1,2,3};
int bry[][2] = {{1,2},{3,4}}
16) What is the output of C Program.?
int main()
int ary[2][2][3] = {
int *p;
p = &ary;
%d",*p, *p+11);
return 0;
A) 1 11
B) 1 12
C) 2 12
D) Compiler error
Answer [=]
*p points to the first element. *p + 11 is
the 12th element which is 12 in the array. It is same as ary[1][1][2].
17) What is the output of C Program.?
int main()
int ary[2][2][3] = {
printf("%d",*(*(*(ary+1)+ 1)+2));
return 0;
A) 10
B) 11
C) 12
D) Compiler error
Answer [=]
*(*(*(ary+i)+ )+k) = ary[i][j][k]
18) Choose a correct C Statement to choose number 66 in the array, int
ary[3][2] = {{11,22},{33,44},{55,66}};
A) ary[2][1]
B) *(*(ary+2)+1)
C) *ary[2]+1
D) All the above
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19) A multidimensional array of dimension N is a collection of.?
A) Single Dimensional Arrays
B) N dimensional arrays
C) N-1 dimension arrays
D) N-2 dimension arrays
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A 4 dimensional array is a collection of 3
dimensional arrays.
20) Choose a correct statement about a Multidimensional array and pointer.?
A) int *ptr[N] is an array of N integer
pointers. Size is N * sizeof(1*int).
B) int (*ptr)[N] is a pointer to an array of
N elements. Size of ptr is size of 1 integer.
C) An multidimensional array or a single
dimensional array can contain pointer elements.
D) All the above
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